With Ukraine at heart


With Ukraine at heart

The concept of integrated development of the territorial community

It is often difficult to identify all existing problems in newly formed communities. The question arises: "Where to start?". Everyone wants to solve everything at once ...
A competent analysis of the current situation is the initial data for further action. The consultation phase will help to shape the scope of the existing problems: for some it is land audits, housing and communal services, infrastructure, for others it is an environmental audit, and maybe all together. Communities are self-sufficient but not equivalent.

 Someone is left with a district "heritage", and someone is forced to create everything from scratch. Decentralization of power includes both political and administrative aspects. However, first of all, the capacity of the community depends on the economic component.Properly formulated terms of reference are a "road map" for developing first the concept of integrated development and then a comprehensive community plan.

The concept of integrated development of the territorial community is a strategic planning document that can be developed at the request of the local government with the involvement of local residents, businesses that are registered and / or carry out economic activities in the local community or intend to carry out such activities within the relevant territory, and determines long-term, interdisciplinary, spatial and socio-economic priorities of the territory, are the starting point for the development of urban planning documentation at the local level on sustainable development to improve quality of life, accessibility and equality of opportunity , promoting the development of social relations and business activity, optimizing administrative activities, meets state and regional development programs and is approved by the relevant local government. (ZU № 711-IX of 17.06.2020).

Where to start?

Inventory of available resources (audit)

Land (territorial), property (communal property, networks, sewage treatment plants, hospitals, schools, schools, post offices, banks, gas stations, etc.), non-property (existing development programs, state planning documents, etc.), human (availability of specialists and the possibility of their involvement) .

Sociological research

Collection of statistical data on the vision of the realities and plans of the community. Consultations with neighboring communities and communities-potential partners.

Realistic vision of the community

Analysis of the current state of the community. Identify strengths and weaknesses. Classification and SWOT-analysis for each of the potentials (natural resource, economic, recreational, scientific and technical, labor, spatial and economic, human, infrastructure status and level of public safety).


Based on a comprehensive audit, it is possible to understand the main strengths of the community and potential directions of its development. Sociological research and consultations will help you understand whether you are on the right path in the opinion of the community. Properly defined vision is the main formula for the formation of quality programs and projects.


An important step is to make decisions and develop scenarios for the development of your concept. They may or may not be typical. We believe that it is important to create development concepts with the involvement of experts, and to organize the process as transparent and flexible as possible.